
Monday, March 4, 2013

Serious game: Sim City

Serious game: Sim City
I chose Sim City for my serious game.  Sim City focuses on city building and planning.  Students could learn math from the game and budgeting as each year, you spend money to make your city grow and raise taxes to pay for the growth.  The concept of budgeting might be hard to understand for younger students but the principles of math to be learned could be fun if used in a "Sim City" scenario.  We could play a scenario where the class is the mayors of the city and run through trying to solve how much we could grow and what buildings we could build.  Each student could have a turn to spend the classes money to buy new properties.  I bought the game years ago and it can now be downloaded at EA Games .  In a classroom setup, only one instance of the game would need to be running and all of the students could look on the screen. 

1 comment:

  1. Sim City always gets high grades when discussed on line. If you could use it fro language learning that would be great.
