Using bookr to make a digital story with flickr images is very easy and will be a great learning tool. Flickr is built in to bookr so it makes searching for photos to use very easy. It is easy enough even for young students to do and would be a great and fun way for them to excercise their vocabulary and writing skills. There might be better tools out there for publishing digital story books but just for the ease of use alone, Bookr seems great.
My story, The Greatest Adventure Ever , shows an excellent way for students to show their learning. A lesson could be taught and students could display their understanding of the content by creating a digital story. As said on the University of Houston Digital Storytelling Website, research shows that multimedia aids help students in learning.
Bookr would be a great tool for teaching writing skills to students. A good lesson plan for this would be for students to work in groups making their own stories on a topic provided by the teacher. Each group would be able to communicate with each other to develop their own stories and publish and present them for the whole class to see.
I enjoyed your book about space.