A learner is like a......
The learner of today is changing. As technology is changing, so are students interests. The more information they are engaged in and enjoy, the more the soak up. George Siemens does a nice job at describing how the trends of learning are shifting. "Including technology and connection making as learning activities begins to move learning theories into a digital age. We can no longer personally experience and acquire learning that we need to act. We derive our competence from forming connections." Students are driven by connectivism, making meaning towards comprehension. Students are using networks to learn, be independent, and create identity while being able to have a diverse experience.
The Impact of Social Software on Learner describes today's learning through social means. "I've started using a term that refers to the content as being a conduit to conversation so that the content really leads into the ability to talk to each other." New technologies are helping the youth be able to express themselves and collaborate between each other.
I really like the quote you chose about he content being the starting point or conduit for conversations. That makes so much sense, but doesn't often happen.